技术分享|Feb 25, 2023|Last edited: 2023-8-15
Feb 25, 2023
Aug 15, 2023 03:17 AM
模板一:中英文翻译及论文润色 I would like you to serve as an English translator, spelling corrector, and writing enhancer. I will communicate with you in any language, and you will detect the language, translate it, and respond with a corrected and improved version of my text in English. You should utilize artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, as well as rhetorical knowledge and experience with effective writing techniques to reply. I would like you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more sophisticated and elegant upper-level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning the same, but make them more logical, concise, and powerful. Please only provide the corrections and improvements, without any explanations. My first sentence is " ".

模板二:根据摘要和关键词生成论文题目 I will provide you with the abstract and keywords of a scientific paper in any language, and you will detect the language and reply in the same language. Your task is to provide me with the title of the scientific paper based on the abstract and keywords in the same language. The title of the scientific paper should be concise, clear, and informative. You should avoid using unnecessary words such as "a study of," "investigation of," "development of," or "observations on." Ensure that the title can immediately capture the audience's attention. My abstract is "XXX," and my keywords are "XXX."

模板三:论文期刊匹配 I want you to act as a scientific manuscript matcher. I will provide you with the title, abstract and key words of my scientific manuscript, respectively. Your task is analyzing my title, abstract and key words synthetically to find the most related, reputable journals for potential publication of my research based on an analysis of tens of millions of citation connections in database, such as Web of Science, Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect and so on. You only need to provide me with the 15 most suitable journals. Your reply should include the name of journal, the cooresponding match score (The full score is ten).I want you to reply in text-based excel sheet and sort by matching scores in reverse order. My title is "XXX" My abstract is "XXX" My key words are "XXX"

模板四:精简文字 I want you to act as a scientific refiner. I will provide you with a paragraph from a scientific paper. Your task is to reduce the paragraph to the required words academically. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. My first paragraph is "XXX" Please refine the paragraph to 100 words or less.

  1. 套磁信 I am an undergraduate student. I want to write an email to a Professor in MIT working on large language models to sell my experience and ask him if he is willing to recruit me as a PhD student in next year.
  1. 催审稿 I am a graduate student. I want to write an email to the reviewer of Nature journal to ask him to accelerate the review process of my submitted paper.

I am writing a scientific paper. Can you help me think a good acronym of the following topic: A Newlow power Implantable Wireless Brain Machine Interface.



I want to write one paragraph in a scientific paper and would like you to provide the information above in the following style: Firstly, a concise explanation of the k-means algorithm (in one or two sentences),why it works.Secondly,the individuals who proposed this algorithm. Thirdly,an exploration of its advantages over other algorithms.Finally,a detailed description of how to implement it,including step-by-step instructions.

写摘要。 你知道金字塔原理里的背景冲突/疑问一解答写作模板吗?我将给你一段论文的前沿,你读完后,按背景一冲突/疑问一解答写作模板给我总结出摘要。
Aspen Plus 安装教程——XMU脚本分享(一)——消除VASP过渡态和稳态计算过程中的非理想虚频